Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Sketch #75 Leaf Dragon Yellow/Blue 21

This one came out nicely and is another one of my new favorites. He would blend in well at the top of a tree in the spring.


Jean said...

This one looks quite fun-loving - no teeth sticking out and gentle colors. Lovely. (Probably need to stick to the first sketchbook if you really want to finish it.)

Deb Ammerman said...

I think this one is very cute. Love the colors. I agree with Jean, maybe it would be best to stick to the first sketchbook if you feel the need to "complete" it. I have a book that I am reading that has several "blank" pages in the back of it with just the word "Notes" written at the top of each one, for the reader to make notes of things they want to look back at I guess. Just thought I would toss that out there. ;)

Theta said...

Thanks Jean and Deb!

I think you guys are probably right about finishing the one first, we'll see if I can stick to that thought or not... Blank pages at the end of a book like that always make me wonder - What are they there for (sometimes they are labeled and that helps, sometimes)? Notes, comments, ideas, doodles, things to remember, grocery lists, things best forgotten, reasons for reading or not finishing the book... makes me wonder... did the author have more to say and wasn't sure how to... does the author want me to write a new ending... why the blank pages...